“Ebenezer” Obama

Today’s WTF moment is brought to you by President* Barack Obama:

Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) tells PEOPLE magazine in the issue out Friday that he and his wife, Michelle, do not give Christmas or birthday presents to their two young daughters.

Obama tells the magazine’s Sandra Sobieraj Westfall in a seven-page cover story that he and his wife follow the unusual practice because they “want to teach some limits.” link

As a Christian parent I couldn’t wait to buy my children Christmas and birthday presents. Every opportunity, including falling into some extra money, was an excuse to buy them something. I didn’t have to spend a fortune, a lot of years that wasn’t possible. The world is not always the most pleasant place, if parents can’t place a special emphasis on their child, make them feel loved by their parents, just who is? The pusher on the corner, the pimp at the bus stop?

There’s just something about being exposed to a certain religion that can never be shaken loose, I guess.

The Muslims should completely avoid the kuffaar’s (editors note: Non believers in Islam) celebrations. This includes places where they perform their holiday practices, and indulging with them in such practices, such as:
Christmas and New Year parties,

Halloween trick-or-treat,
Thanksgiving celebration and dinner,
Fourth of July fireworks,
First of April lies,
birthday parties, anniversaries, etc. link

Whether or not this is a careover from Barack’s own youth, it seems odd that a black Presidential candidate who attended an afro-centric church would want his children to believe that some fat white guy slips down their chimney and provides presents for his children. I wish I could recall the comedians name that said that famous line.

* A minor constitutional formality in his opinion.

One Response to ““Ebenezer” Obama”

  1. Grammy Cracker Says:

    I buy my DOGS Christmas presents. Okay, so I don’t have kids…but I DO have grandkids, and nieces and nephews. I object to the removal of Christ from Christmas, and I don’t approve of spending the rent money to buy extravagant presents, but come on, Barry! Lighten up! They’re LITTLE GIRLS.

    Uh, hold on one minute…no Christmas presents..but did the reporter ask if they buy KWANZAA presents? Seeing as how he’s Mister Afro-Centric and all….

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