Propaganda Alert

Just in time to steal headlines from ceremonies and intelligent discourse on how to deal with global jihad comes a slightly suspicious report that Osama Bin Laden will appear in a video which will be released shortly:

Bin Laden to release new video on September 11

Sep 6, 2007 06:01 PM

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – A terror monitoring in Egypt group says a new video message from Osama Bin Laden will address the American people on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

SITE Intelligence Group says an Internet announcement of the plan includes a photo of the al Qaeda leader from the upcoming video. Bin Laden’s beard, which in previous messages had been streaked with gray, is entirely dark.

Another group which monitors Islamic Web sites, the Intelcenter, says the video is expected shortly before the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. source

I have a strong suspicion that the jihadists have some reason that they wish to have this heinous monster still considered alive. It’s all strangely reminiscent of this movie:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=’JavaScript1.1′>if (document.layers) {document.write(‘<SCR’ + ‘IPT language=JavaScript1.1 src=/Global/ad.asp?type=single&cls1=News – Hard News&src1=loc&spct1=100&sz1=wnsz_20&callType=script />’); document.close();}</SCRIPT>coreAdsCreate(‘wnsz_20’, ‘loc’, ‘100’);

Here is the new picture:

It appears that a texture effect has been added over the entire image. Perhaps the intent is to hide what appears to me to be a very sickly man. The shoulders are pronouncedly slumped, as if he has lost all muscle tone.  It shows serious wasting which many times occurs in Alzheimer patients. (As if we didn’t already know that he was demented). The flesh of his face is sagging. I think this IS a new picture. In November of 2001  conjectured that Osama might be suffering from Marfan syndrome.

Click below for larger close up:

The MSM is all abuzz over the carefully cropped and darkened beard. Time for another Photoshop:

One Response to “Propaganda Alert”

  1. Urban Infidel Says:

    Oh, he does NOT look good at all. LOL

    Stupid miserable foul creature.

    I bet the worms refused to eat him.

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